Sales Success Playbook

Don’t leave your team to figure everything out on their own.


A Sales Playbook captures strategies and tactics your sales team needs to be successful and the repeatable process around them.     


Plan for Success.

  • Decrease new hire ramp time.

  • Increase the sales employee lifetime value.

  • Reduce lost opportunities due to unclear and inconsistent messaging to customers.

  • Increase visibility and collaboration on deals. 

  • Decrease sales team inefficiencies

  • Increase referrals, renewals, upsells. 

  • Increase the average revenue per customer.

  • Differentiate from your competitors

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This is a crucial section of your Playbook and deserves the time to create or collect these details.  Use this section to detail your messaging for the team around the problems you solve, the value you provide and the most effective execution in relaying it.  

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Inbound Sales Cadence

Use this section to define a consistent process & outreach cadence for inbound sales.


Sales Pipeline & Process

Use this section to define the overall steps your customers will go through from lead to close as well as the details of what needs to happen at each step internally and externally to maintain momentum, value and an accurate forecast.    

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Use this section to define the success metrics that sales contributors are measured on and can use as a guide point to keep up with their book of business.