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Sales Playbook Checklist
Set your sales up for success by defining your process, methodology and messaging. This is the key for iteration and improvement!
Discovery Call Checklist
The success of your sale begins and ends with your discovery conversation. How are you ensuring you are consistently collecting the right information from the first conversation with a prospect?
Follow Up Email Guide
How do you set your customer up to make the right decision for their business? Start with an effective email summary of your initial conversation with them and use this as the guidepost for your partnership pre- sale.
Managing Your Time Guide
Your time is valuable, but we are all spread so thin. How are you balancing your life to be successful in your career as well as personal, health and your relationships?
Internal Competitive Positioning Guide
Do you and your team know who your competition is and how you can position yourselves against them to best support your clients?
Sales Coaching Cheat Sheet
Set you and your sales leaders up for success by having impactful coaching conversations. Every inclusive leader enhancing performance needs this cheat sheet to help individuals create behavior change that leads to results.
Interview Prep & Job Search Guide
Needing clarification around the next best fit role, company and compensation package you are looking for along with preparation for your interview?
Sales Manager 1:1 Meeting Template
What’s the North Star for your rep? No, it’s not simply ‘make quota’. There’s more to it. And in order to reach it, you have to know what it is, know what they are doing weekly to get there and be able to keep track of progress. Only using google drive? Perfect, grab this template and tweak it to what works for you and your team.